In Search of a Shave in Seville
The Best Barber in Seville (That I Never Visited)
I'd started growing a beard in India, and by the time we got to Seville it was in full effect. My whiskers had served me well in Turkey and Romania, but as we moved into warmer weather the rebellious bristles (hat tip: Herman Melville) were getting a little unruly, and I decided it was time to shave off the muzzle lashings.
One of the great pleasures in life is a proper shave, and I was really looking forward to getting these love-curls off my face. However, since I wasn't packing the equipment with which to take care of this manly business myself, I undertook an equally manly endeavor — I started searching for barbers. This was Seville after all. There had to be a barber somewhere in the city ... and there was!
Bald Monkey Barber Shop
The Bald Monkey Barber Shop (now known as the Bald Monkey HairMakers), in addition to having a great name, was right around the corner from our hotel.
So I dropped the boys at the Bald Monkey a message via Facebook, asking if they had any open appointments. We were only in Seville for one day, so it was a long shot, but fortune favors the bold and all that.
But not this time. As you have (hopefully) read, we arrived in Seville during Semana Santa (Holy Week), and the Bald Monkey closes up shop for the whole week. After being in Seville for one night of Semana Santa parades, this seemed like a wise decision.
So even though I missed out on a decent shave (I later hacked the beard off in Barcelona with a bag full of disposable razors and a can of shaving cream), I really liked this place. If you're ever in Seville and in need of a barber, they've got you covered. I know I'll be stopping by the next time I'm in town.
Bald Monkey Barber Shop
9, Calle Luis de Vargas, 41001 Sevilla, Spain
+34 954 56 22 59
Appointments required.

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. He also drinks coffee.