
Tom Fassbender

Director of Organizational Efficiency

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things who's in charge of what and how to pack on this trip—and maintaining the written record of our travels.

He wrote this book. If you like hard-boiled crime fiction, you should give it a read.

He also writes sporadically at,, Boing Boing , and the Los Angeles Explorers Guild. You can find him on Instagram.


Samantha Sackin

Vice President of Travel and Lodging

Samantha Sackin is a highly skilled travel planner. When it comes to getting us to where we're going, no one is better at it than Samantha. She's a whiz with Airbnb ,,, and any other means of finding a place to stay for the night. She has found us some really great, reasonably priced apartments and hotel rooms..


Frankie Fassbender

Master of Coin

Our kind-hearted oldest child is always up for an adventure. As part of education for the year, she'll be largely in charge of monetary conversion and budgeting.

Frankie's Selected Quotes

Life is always either a tightrope or a feather bed. Give me the tightrope.
— Edith Wharton

Jacqueline Fassbender

Director of Travel Audit

The youngest, yet most tenacious, adventurer in our party. She's in charge of making sure we have everything we need before we depart to the next destination.

She's also become our Manager of Travel Brochures as she's got a proven track record for finding the most interesting, unusual destinations that can be found in a brochure.