Germany in Pictures

At Weihenstephan brewery.


across occupied Europe

Unpleasant things happened here.

And these were the nice ones.

Reverse View

Replicas. This is where the main prisoner population was kept.

All that remains are the foundations.

(Close Up)

After Dachau, we needed to unwind.


St. Peter's Cathedral




Only the frame is original.

Marking the southern end of Museum Island

(The Berlin Cathedral)

(Featuring the Berlin TV Tower

Old National Gallery

Frederik II of Prussia

East Germany's contribution to pedestrian culture.

Closed for the night.

During our jaunt through Europe, we crossed Germany three times. Perhaps this was not the most efficient route we could have taken, but it sure was scenic and it allowed us to see quite a bit of a rather large country. Here are a few of those things that we experienced.

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. He also drinks coffee.