There are Some Big Club Sandwiches in Turin
Okay, so I’m not sure about the entire world, but L’Accademia del Panino certainly makes the biggest sandwiches we've seen on our travels (and we've seen a lot of sandwiches).
The menu offers a lot of paninis, as one would expect, but what really stands out is the club sandwich section, featuring 10 different club sandwiches to choose from, all named after famous men (Lord Sandwich, Einstein, Da Vinci, to name a few).
When we stepped up to order a Dante Alighieri and a Picasso, the sandwicheer told us that they were big. And he wasn't kidding.
Dante Alighieri "Inferno"
For €7 you get this beast of a sandwich loaded with spianata calabra, tabasco, provola silana, peperoncini, melanzane.
Dante Alighieri "Inferno"
For €7 you get this beast of a sandwich loaded with spianata calabra, tabasco, provola silana, peperoncini, melanzane. With its nickname of "Inferno," I expected it to be spicy, and it was, but only pleasantly so.
The Picasso
For a mere €6 you get a big sandwich loaded with prosciutto cotto, verdure grigliate, maionese, pomodoro, grana a scaglie, salsa tartara, formaggio fuso.
The Picasso
So for only €13, we got a big lunch that was filling enough to carry us right through dinner. We’re glad we only ordered two.

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. He also drinks coffee.