We have seen so much in our travels. Some wonderful things, some depressing. Great wealth and great poverty. As I take everything in, I wonder, what can I do? How can I make the world better?
One person has done just that: Jennifer Miller. I met her through an amazing Facebook group of families traveling around the world. While I only know Jennifer through our emails, her Facebook posts, and her blog entries, I consider myself lucky to be in her circle. She has jumped in by helping one woman, Imelda, and her family. I could never do her story justice, so please read Jennifer's touching essay about Imelda’s weavings: On making a difference for one family.
So I Jumped In to Help Imelda
I am proud to be an owner of one of Imelda's weavings—the one pictured below.
Guess what? You can help Imelda, too.
Check out the weavings that are still for sale or reach out to Jennifer if you want to commission a piece from Imelda. Costs are listed for weavings and then depending on where you live, Jennifer will let you know the amount for shipping.
So go on, jump in!
Samantha keeps this Trip Aroung the World moving.