Saturday, 24-01-2015. Day 157.
The Thrills of a Real Football Game.
As most of you know, Frankie's project is to play football (soccer) in as many countries as she can. Sometimes this is means the four of us find a nice field and knock the ball around for a bit, while other times, we hook up with a other kids in a park or campground to have an impromptu game., But every so often we find a local organization that Frankie can join up with for a little while to actually play a game against other kids. And that's just what happened in Siem Reap.
The girls got kitted up in the soccer outfits they got from the time they played soccer in Sai Kung and we grabbed a tuk tuk out to Galaxy Goal. The driver got a little lost, but we got him turned around thanks to the ever useful Google Maps.
Via the Internet, we'd met Charlie Pomroy of Galaxy Goal Sport, an organization that not only coaches expat kids but is also giving 18 Khmer young men the chance to become professional soccer players as Next Step FC. If you want to help a great organization, visit the Next Step FC GoFundMe page and pledge your support.
Our gals had a great time on the pitch, running drills and playing in a game.
Jackie proved to be fearless going up against kids, some of whom were twice her size, and Frankie scored a goal, much to the surprise and dismay of the boys on both teams. Get used to it, boys.
As we left the field by tuk tuk, we were chased down the road by a herd of cows. And that's a true story.

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. He also drinks coffee.