31-10-2014 — 02-11-2014.
Days 72 through 74: A Whole Lot of Relaxation
Our days at the villa always started with a nice breakfast, made fresh for us each morning. And after that, we did a whole lot of nothing for three full days.
Our typical breakfast in Bali.
One of the nice things about staying in one place for 18 days is not feeling like we have to go out everyday and experience something. Sometimes, lounging by the pool, swimming, reading, and doing a little homework is more than enough to keep us satisfied.
While we didn't really do anything for three days, there were a few stand-out moments:
Jackie, who arrived here with only a rudimentary understanding of how to swim, can now do laps in the pool.
One day we discovered a frog in the pool.
A palm leaf fell off one of the palm trees.
Jackie got the bejeebles scared out of her by a snake.
Frankie got the bejeebles scared out of him by an orb weaver spider.
One night a giant lizard got into our room and woke us up with its loud chirping.
We found a cow tied up in an adjacent yard.
A cow.
So, yes, the days were slow, but a family’s gotta eat, so we had our driver take us into Ubud each night for dinner.
Friday: Lamak, where every hour is happy hour! Our most expensive meal in Bali.
Saturday: Clear Cafe. We could have just as easily been in Santa Monica. It burned down some time after we left.
Sunday: Taco Casa. We can't say it’s authentic Mexican food, but it’s still pretty good.
After dinner we came back to the villa and would read for a little bit, and then went to sleep on the early side. There’s a television here, but we’ve never turned it on. The kids haven’t even asked to, which is some sort of miracle in itself.
Notable Statistics

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. When not adventuring, he’s been known to enjoy a cup of coffee or two. You can find him at Facebook and Instagram.
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