Saturday, 25-10-2014. Day 66.
Bathing Suits and Bug Spray
Today, we went exploring. We needed to stock up on supplies we were going to need in Bali, like sunscreen, bug spray, and bathing suits. We were also out of toothpaste and laundry detergent.
We headed down Hay street to the mid-800 block, which seems to be the place to open a shop in Perth if an adventure shop is they type of shop you want to open.
We visited the Macpac shop, a New Zealand company I'd never heard of (despite spending two weeks in New Zealand) that had some really nice stuff (I finally bought a long-sleeve shirt, just in time to visit the tropics), then crossed the street and went to Paddy Pallin to get the Sea to Summit travel laundry detergent we've come to like. Another outdoor-oriented shop, Mountain Designs, was also nearby although we didn't need to visit that one.
After that we ate an inexpensive lunch at a Japanese ramen joint down a laneway, then headed off to buy bathing suits. This took a long time. The kids both brought bathing suits with them on the trip, but they were starting to fall apart. We guessed (correctly, it turned out) that we would probably be spending a fair amount of time in the water in Bali, we needed to have reliable gear.
I didn't want to sit around while the kids were in the changing rooms, so I wandered off to see if I could catch the jousting knights at the London Court clock on the hour. The clock runs about three minutes fast, so we always seem to miss them. Today was no exception.
The knights joust on the hour.
I still had some time, though, so I walked over to the Perth Town Hall to get a better picture than the one I'd taken a week prior.
Perth Town Hall
And that was about it. We had a pretty mellow day, so we spent the rest of the day relaxing. Oh, and we caught the latest, current episode of Dr. Who when it actually aired, so that was a nice bonus.
Notable Statistics
Bathing suits tried on: 7
Bathing suits purchased: 2
Buses ridden: 1

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. When not adventuring, he’s been known to enjoy a cup of coffee or two. You can find him at Facebook and Instagram.
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