A Notable Milestone on Our Journey
For some reason humans like to arbitrarily assign importance to round numbers, so today, 8 March 2015, we're celebrating our 200th day of adventure on this Trip Around the World. Here are some statistics we've racked up so far:
- We've visited 17 countries (including Laos, which is a bit of a cheat)
- We've flown on 27 planes
- We've been lucky enough to travel on 7 trains (including one 32-hour ride)
- We've enjoyed at least three major bus rides
- We've stayed in 57 different hotels, motels, apartments, and other assorted overnight accommodations
- We've done (or had done) 29 loads of laundry (and the 30th is in process as I write this)
- UNESCO World Heritage sites visited: At least 25 (we haven't officially counted up India or Istanbul yet)
- We've each been sick at least once
- We've only lost 8 items
And that leaves us about 145 more days to go!

Tom Fassbender is a writer of things with a strong adventurous streak. He also drinks coffee.