THE MAN in seat sixty-one is the go-to for train travel around the world.
Figuring out travel logistics for a trip around the world is tough. Yes, there is a lot of fun as well, but one of my jobs on this trip is getting us from place to place.
So far, thanks to sites such as the Matrix — ITA Software by Google and Skyscanner, arranging flights has been easy. Plus, we had the luxury of many frequent flyer miles on American, United, through American Express, and the amazing Chase Sapphire Card. I love hunting down the best flight, scouring for deals, and even getting the occasional upgrade to the delight of my family.
Train travel, though, has been my Achilles heel.
Sure, there was that great Beijing to Xi’an overnight train ride. But, I didn’t book it and our Beijing guide quite literally put us on the train.
Overnight from Beijing to Xi'an.
I did book us from Sydney to Melbourne overnight. It wasn’t bad if you don’t mind sitting up for 12+ hours. Then, there was the infamous 32 hour train ride from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. Yes, you all know about THAT one.
So, I have been filled with more than a bit of dread knowing that I have to book about four months of travel in Europe. Train is clearly the most cost-effective way to go, but I am approaching this task the way I approach doing dishes. I know it must be done, but I have a lot of better things to do. But like those dishes, I hate the constant reminder that a job must be done, so I decided today to conquer it.
It sucks.
Point-to-point travel? Railpass? Which Eurorail pass? I am getting stressed, whiny, and above all, I am overwhelmed with the options.
The Man in Seat Sixty-One saved me. Again. This site is the best. Not only does he painstakingly and lovingly talk about train travel, but he answered all my questions and more. If you ever have to book train travel, anywhere in the world, start with this site first. Easy to understand with links to every relevant site you need, it is truly the one and only place to go to figure out any train travel. In fact, with his descriptions of train travel, I might actually start to prefer it over air travel.
Hmmm, I wonder if the Man in Seat Sixty-One also does dishes?
Header image: Wikimedia Commons.

No matter where she is, Samantha can be found searching blogs for new places to eat, best street food, and great recipes.